Special Subjects Classes
Includes the Path-of-Life lectures, advanced topics on different subjects, foundational topics on different subjects, how to cultivate qi by writing calligraphy, etc. Some of the regular special topics lectures given by Master Ou are listed below:
  • What is love?
  • How to give and receive love?
  • The relationship between body and soul
  • Spiritual Cultivation
  • Advanced Topics for PGSG Instructors -- It is similar to topics covered in his Path-of-Life lectures. However, topics will be more advanced, similar to annual PGSG retreat, and the intended audience is PGSG instructors (both moving and non-moving form instructors)
  • The Path of Life -- Master Ou will share with individuals the unique journey he has experienced over the past several decades which has led him to developing the Qigong that we know as Pangu Shengong. Master Ou shares how the benefits of PGSG practice are realized much more expeditiously when one understands and is able to focus on the quality of the practice as well as the quantity. To help individuals understand and implement good quality practice and therefore maximize the potential benefits of PGSG he will share some of the tempering processing and spiritual discoveries that he experienced as he worked through various life challenges. He will then share how these experiences led to his understanding of the energetic, physical and spiritual world we live in and consequently the abilities he now shares with this PGSG students with the hope that they too will develop this same understanding and energetic awareness and abilities.
As an instructor said, what she appreciated the most was that "Master Ou's teaching is not based entirely on the Qigong, but rather on how to be a more loving person then you were yesterday." In fact, the more you understand kindness and love, the more you practice kindness and love, the greater result you will get from the same Pangu Shengong Qigong Forms practice. Therefore, all these lectures have one common theme--learn to have greater love and a bigger heart so as to live a full life with a healthy body and happy mindset. Master Ou said, "Practice is the basis, comprehension is a shortcut.” His lectures are the shortcut for you to achieve good health, happiness, and spiritual growth. Please click here to read more about what benefit you could expect from taking Master Ou's live lectures multiple times.
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