Pangu Shengong New York – May 12-13, 2018

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We are excited to announce that Master Ou will be offering Pangu Shengong courses on the East Coast in New York.

Register now (Online Registration) for this exciting set of courses. Each person attending these courses needs to fill out a separate registration.

Scroll to the Right on the Table Below for Additional Information

Date Time Course/Event Pre-


May 12
10:30am – Noon

PGSG Foundational Qi Cultivation Moving Form

Participants learn a Qigong form that cultivates Qi to develop a strong energetic & physical body, healing the body from illness and injury to facilitate and maintain optimal health.

Participants receive energy to assist them in healing from illnesses and/or injuries; & to elevate the heart & soul to allow for more effective energy cultivation when practicing this Qigong.

The energy in retaking this course is equivalent to the energy received during a 1:1 healing session with Master Ou.

None $120
Retake fee $60
3rd FL White Room at CRS
(Center for Remembering & Sharing)
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL (between 12th & 13th St, above “Think Coffee”)
New York, NY 10003
1:30pm – 2:45pm

PGSG Medical Qigong Skill Development

Healing skills are taught to those interested in helping others recover from a wide range of health conditions and/or injuries; using both in-person and distance healing skills.

Energy is sent to participants to facilitate their development of diagnostic and treatment abilities.

This course assists both beg. & adv. practitioners improve their healing abilities; retakes are strongly encouraged.

PGSG Foundational Qi Cultivation Moving Form


Retake fee $75
3rd FL White Room at CRS
(Center for Remembering & Sharing)
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL (between 12th & 13th St, above “Think Coffee”)
New York, NY 10003
3:15pm – 4:30pm

PGSG Cognitive & Sensory Perception Development Nonmoving Form

Participants learn a Qigong form that cultivates energy for the different structures and functions of the brain and central nervous system to develop stronger sensory and cognitive functioning; including improved memory, creativity, and is also good for improving spinal cord conditions.

Enhances spiritual development.

Participants receive energy to facilitate increased cognitive and sensory functioning of the brain. Energy is equivalent to energy received during a 1:1 healing session with Master Ou.

PGSG Foundational Qi Cultivation Moving Form $120
Retake fee $60
3rd FL White Room at CRS
(Center for Remembering & Sharing)
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL (between 12th & 13th St, above “Think Coffee”)
New York, NY 10003
5:00pm – 6:00pm

PGSG Intuition Development

Master Ou sends energy focused on the different structures in brain to facilitate the development of intuitive abilities, participants receive a profound deep healing physically and spiritually, and Master Ou shares information he has received during his personal development. New information is shared with each class.

Moving and Nonmoving Forms $60 3rd FL White Room at CRS
(Center for Remembering & Sharing)
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL (between 12th & 13th St, above “Think Coffee”)
New York, NY 10003
May 13
10:15am – Noon Private Healing Sessions with Master Ou None $70 3rd FL White Room at CRS
(Center for Remembering & Sharing)
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL (between 12th & 13th St, above “Think Coffee”)
New York, NY 10003

Contact: Lorna Lai
Phone: 917-362-6662

1:30pm – 3:30pm Private Healing Sessions with Master Ou None $70 3rd FL White Room at CRS
(Center for Remembering & Sharing)
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL (between 12th & 13th St, above “Think Coffee”)
New York, NY 10003

Contact: Lorna Lai
Phone: 917-362-6662

4:00pm – 5:00pm

PGSG Advanced Condensed Form

This course was designed as a reward for those who have been diligently practicing both the Foundational Qi Cultivation Moving Form & Cognitive & Sensory Development Non-Moving Form for about 6 months. Practice is necessary for about 6 months to allow the body to absorb Qi at this accelerated rate. A Qigong form is taught that will cultivate Qi at a rate 3x faster than both the Foundational Qi Cultivation Moving Form & Cognitive & Sensory Development Non-Moving Form.

Also, during retakes, energy is sent to participants to assist in elevating the heart & soul, facilitating optimal health and healing injuries and illness.

PGSG Cog. & Sensory Perception Dev. Nonmoving Form $150
Retake fee $75
3rd FL White Room at CRS
(Center for Remembering & Sharing)
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL (between 12th & 13th St, above “Think Coffee”)
New York, NY 10003


For questions about the course schedule or course registration, please contact: Lorna Lai at 917-362-6662.

Register now (Online Registration) for the courses on the Pangu Shengong website. Each person attending these courses needs to fill out a separate registration.


If an individual has previously taken a PGSG course from either Master Ou or one of his certified instructors, they are eligible to retake that particular PGSG course at a discounted price.


NCCAOM PDA points are available for the Moving Form, Healing Technique, and Non-moving Form classes. Contact Abby Greiner at or 508-341-3481 for more information.

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