Cristen Bopp


Pangu Shengong (Pan Gu Mystical Qigong) instructor who is certified to teach the Moving Form and the Non-moving Form.


Daily Pangu Shengong practice has enabled me to find peace in our hectic world. Everyday I feel calm, happy, hopeful, and brave. I thought that I would never work again or enjoy my favorite pastime, walking on a nature trail. Now, I take nature walks with my dog several times a week. My life feels like a dream — a dream with a lovely beginning…

I was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis in the summer of 2004. When I learned the moving form in 2011, I had about given up on life. I was very afraid of side effects from my prescriptions and was in constant pain in my knees, ankles, wrists, and shoulders. I was struggling with several lifetimes of physical and emotional pain. Pain that left me bedridden and wheelchair bound while I felt hopelessly stuck and profoundly SAD. Thankfully, I found what I desperately need…what we all need, healing at the soul level which is what I believe Pangu Shengong offers.

As I recovered, I found the courage to become certified to teach the Pangu Shengong moving form in 2014 and the non moving form in 2017. I finally felt consistently well enough and went back to work, first writing a children’s novel then opening my own qi gong practitioner practice in 2016. In addition to teaching Pangu Shengong, I offer energy adjustments and intuitive advice to people and animals. Pangu Shengong reminded me of my animal communication skills that I turned my back on during adolescence. Once I started practicing and accruing teaching certifications, animals decided that not only was it time to listen again, but it was time for me to help them, too!

The philosophy of kindness interwoven in Pangu Shengong has changed and enriched my life the most. I am both humbled and inspired while practicing kindness under any circumstance. Family gathering are actually fun! Sometimes I miss the mark and lose my temper, but these days, those difficult moments happen less often. Not only have I learned to always be kind to others, but I also have learned the importance of being kind to myself. Regardless of past mistakes or hurts, we all deserve a peaceful, happy life and should settle for nothing less.

Now I lead a life unafraid of what the world brings me. I’m happy and much healthier physically, spiritually and emotionally. I have healed emotional wounds some of which, I wasn’t even aware of until after I started practicing. I have never taken pain medication stronger than ibuprofen. After several years self examination and dedicated practice, my RA is in remission and I have had “no disease activity” since 2015! I am currently weaning myself off of my last two prescriptions. I have also suffered from migraines. However, I felt a huge energetic release in the front of my forehead during my non moving form teacher training and haven’t had one since. I am so lucky to have met Master Ou and I feel great gratitude for his guidance which challenges me to use my strong will to become my best self. Teaching the gift of Pangu Shengong is a privilege and I feel deeply honored to share this empowering practice with others.

Contact information:
Address: Cristen Bopp – Town – Garner/Downtown Raleigh
601 Westwood Drive Garner, NC 27529
Phone: 919-621-5589

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