Vicky Darveau


Pangu Shengong (Pan Gu Mystical Qigong) instructor who is certified to teach both the Moving Form of Pangu Shengong.

Vicky Darveau is a Physical Therapist. She became a Pangu Shengong Moving Form instructor in March 2016. This Qigong has done beautiful things for her and her family. She would like to share it with others.


I am 47 years old and I have been working as a physical therapist for over 20 years. Pangu Shengong has been one of the best things I have ever learned. My father’s illness (Parkinson’s) is what motivated me to go to Naples and learn Qigong with Master Ou. Little did I know that even though I wasn’t sick and had a good health (so I thought) I would get so much out of that weekend in the spring of 2013!!

For the last year I have been doing one moving, one non-moving and the advanced form at least 5 days a week. It took me a while but now I feel the Qi very strongly and I am even able to do distance sessions with my father. He and my mother have also learned with Master Ou in Montreal. That was the beginning of my father’s recovery.

The first time I listened to Master Ou, I was working a lot and I was really tired and not so passionate all the time with my work. He said “if you are exhausted at the end of your day then you are not working with the right purpose or the right way” that really resonated with me!!! Since that day I can say I can work a 10 hours day and still be smiling at the end of the day and I am not tired. My mind and my memory are so much better now, even my faith in life has change. I feel closer to God, so much more at peace, I worry less and trust more. I’m still working on not getting angry, it’s improving. Master Ou with his wisdom and his teachings has made me a better mother, wife, a better therapist. I can even cook well now! That took a miracle, my family can tell you. I also see a difference with how people interact with me, it’s hard to explain but everything seems easier, more harmony, people are nicer. Amazing opportunities and persons are crossing my path now and I am sure Pangu Shengong has something to do with it. Also kind of funny but every time my husband touches me for a while he falls asleep! Not sure why this is happening, but it’s funny.

I wasn’t educated as a child or in school with the power of the energy of the Universe and that’s how I understand Qigong, it allows us to elevate our frequency and attract/emit good energy, I also believes it creates a connection with our surrounding at a level that I never imagine exited. I am so excited with life now and the beautiful healing power of the body and soul and I want to share this with others.

Thank you for all you do, Master Ou!
Forever grateful, happier and healthier……

Contact information:
Address: 1323 Northwest 139 Terrace, Pembroke Pines, FL 33028
Phone: 954-801-8629

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