Pangu Yoga Retreat by Anisha Desai

The Shangri La Rainforest Villa in St.Thomas USVI provided the perfect stage for my first solo Pangu Yoga Retreat. I taught Pangu yoga three times over the weekend, and began each class with a one hour discussion focused on a topic related to self cultivation. A couple of students were brand new to yoga and all of them were new to PGSG, yet I felt they were ready to hear about the deeper philosophy of cultivating the heart, and they seemed quite interested and receptive.


During the opening energy circle and Pangu yoga meditation with golden light, a woman saw dream images of humanoid eyes. The eyes then changed to many different animals in the animal kingdom with the same eyes. They were unlike anything she has ever seen before, and very interesting to her. They were of faces, like a slide show, one face blending into another. She wrote me the next day or so after I left and shared the following sentiments.

“I Had a very difficult argument with my partner last night ;-( I Did incorporate your tools and the password though 😉 I Found myself to be much stronger within and less worried or fearful of the outcome. It Ended later on with love ❤️ I had dream images similar to those in the last meditation we did after the argument. They are unlike anything I have ever had before, interesting to me. They were of faces again, like a slide show, one face blending into another. Some were oriental looking, some Native American, some Indian looking.”

At the last class I read the Cultivating the Heart poem. Another student said that everything she had read about the Tao indicated it couldn’t be explained and yet this poem was saying that it could be. She was intrigued and fascinated by that and it made sense to her. I was fascinated that it was something she noticed at all.

Another student asked the difference between “Speak with Reason”, and how it was different from the line in the poem “Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained but not through normal reasoning.” I explained that the password was referring to our behavior and to be careful with our words and how we speak to others. The poem was indicating that in order to receive deep wisdom from Heaven and the Universe we must transcend habitual thought patterns and normal reasoning in how we approach relationships, work and daily life in general.

This group’s progress over the immersion weekend was quite remarkable and I believe they each left with a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of love.

It is my honor to offer the practice of Pangu Yoga and to share with others the knowledge that has been shared with me by Master Ou and Pangu. This soul journey is often difficult to describe in words but I sincerely hope that in the future you will have the opportunity to experience it for yourself!

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