I Healed From 20 Illnesses and Conditions – Susan (Deflavis) Spring

My Name is Susan Deflavis Spring. I have been practicing PGSG since October 2003. At that time when I found this practice, I had been desperately praying for wisdom. I was very sick.

In 1993 I broke my Ankle and had to have Emergency Surgery. As a result of this procedure, I suffered a lack of oxygen to my brain, and as a result I went into a condition called “V-Tac” which brought on a showering of Blood Clots to my brain. (Many of you know blood clots going to the brain are considered “Strokes”). I remember the period of time I was in the recovery room without breathing, and I can tell you it went on for quite some time. I was aware of the nurse’s voice screaming out my name, and saying “Don’t do this to me Susan”, which was then followed by a strong thumb on my chest. Then I heard the “Code” over the intercom, and I knew this was me they were talking about! The voice of the doctor ran loudly in my head, as I heard him say “Don’t tell me we are going to loose her!” I knew I had too much left to do, and I remember choosing not to leave, I remember saying in this place I was in, “I have too much left to do, I don’t want to go”. I was then brought too.

Shortly after, I underwent extensive testing and was told I had severe Brain damage; it was called “Cerebral Hypoxia”. I was also told the damage was so severe, I would never recover.

My next 11 years I had to adjust to the damage, and noticed. I would remain very peaceful as long as I didn’t try to force my brain to work, and when I tried, I would find it just wouldn’t. When I did it was met with much frustration, and incredible emotional pain, but being strong willed, determined and full of faith, never gave up trying. I knew some day I WOULD get better.

I was unable to understand what people were saying to me. I would have to be told the same thing over and over, and I would ask them the same thing over and over. I was trying to remember what they were saying as they were saying I, and was forgetting as the sentences were going on. I had severe damage to my Immediate, Short Term, and Long Term Memory, and every other part because it was considered “Global”.

Speaking was a real challenge. It was very hard to get the words out of my mouth from my brain. I frequently had the wrong words coming out when I was talking about something else, and I had to try real hard not to forget what I was trying to say while I was saying it. My reading comprehension was at 1% (according to the testing), and when I would try to read, I couldn’t understand what I was reading, I had to read it over and over and over because the words wouldn’t go into my head. I just saw them, or would go off into a space and just stare.

I couldn’t make any decisions, and even though it was extremely hard to do this, I never stopped trying! I knew I someday would do it, and I would get better. Before the injury, I had a photographic memory and could paint and copy a picture exactly as it appeared, to the point where it looked like a picture. I could no longer visualize anything, the visualization part of my brain barely worked.

My emotions were constantly up and down. I could get angry and would have great difficulty getting out of it. I was told it was due to the damage in the front of my brain, and I should take medication. I refused. I was determined to keep looking at my heart and soul, (I had been in a habit of doing this on a daily basis for many years), seeking God’s will, and working on developing my faith. I knew, I would figure out how to get better. I was going to, and I believed it, no matter what anyone told me. I refused to believe it. I also was very careful to stay in conversations that were only positive; this also, had been a daily discipline for me. I tried many things to deal with and fix my brain injury. If I got very upset, I left the room, I didn’t come home, I wrote, I talked, and I prayed. I saw therapists, Doctors, both Naturopathic and Medical, and took every imaginable herb, tea, and food types you could think of. I only ate Organic, no animal fat, and no chemicals.

Because I had broken my ankle (this is what lead to the original surgery), I was unable to put my leg down for 4 years. I was diagnosed with having a condition called “Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy”, a condition where the brain thinks the area is still damaged and continues to attack it. I would have swelling, numbness and tingling on and off all day long. I never knew when it would happen; it would get worse when I put my leg down. The pain was intense and constant, and eventually could spread thru out my body, and cause bone deterioration.

My leg was always up on a little chair that I carried with me. I got tired of people asking what was wrong, so I stopped keeping my foot up. I just let the leg do what it wanted to do, and I did my best to forget about it. I was not going to take pain medication, even though many people with what I had, had to, the pain could get so severe. I thought it best to try to forget about it and ignore my leg. To my surprise, the progression I was told would probably happen never did.

In February 2003, I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C, a disease that the body cannot get rid of and is considered an immune system related. I was told I needed A Western Medical Treatment or I would eventually get cirrhosis of the liver, or liver Cancer and die. Like everything else, I refused the treatment, I knew I would figure it out, and I would get better. I found myself spending $1000.00 a month on herbs, machines, I.V. Naturopathic treatments, every type of Tea to heal the body, frozen stuff under my tongue, sometimes a few times a day, only to find my health rapidly deteriorating. NOTHING WAS WORKING!!! I just kept developing more and more illnesses.

I trusted I would be lead to the answer, I had been on a spiritual path for a long time, and I knew I would be healed; this is something I never doubted for one minute. I continued to work on my heart and soul. I tried very hard to always see good it everything that was happening to me, and I always saw my purpose to help others in everything that I did. I accepted each day as it was put before me.

The last few months before I found PGSG, I was sleeping ten hours a night with a machine. This machine would send electric currants into my arteries. I was told I had a deadly parasite that lives in all of your organs called Blastocystis hominus, and probably had it 30 years, I also had Chronic systemic candida albacan, that was “splitting”.

I was put on a very strict diet, and I was unable to eat most foods. I had Chronic Pain in my stomach, and I had great difficulty digesting everything. That year I ended up in the Emergency Room two times due to Chronic Gastritis. There was very little I was able to eat. I was also told I had “Leaky gut syndrome”, and would wake up in the middle of the night with my thumbs popping out of the sockets if I was to bend them. My diet restrictions were further complicated by severe allergies to most foods. In 1996 I was tested for food allergies. I tested positive for 38 of the 41 foods they tested me with. By this time (2003) my allergies were much worse.

If one food was good for one problem, that same food would be bad for another. Everything I put in my mouth I had to think thru very carefully if it would harm me, and many times it did! I sneezed all the time, and was always cold. One time, I sneezed continuously for 3 months during the spring of 2003. I was unable to take allergy medication because of my Liver Problem, and I was afraid it would make my Liver worse, so I walked around with swollen eyes, runny sore nose, and weak from all of the suffering. My color was extremely pale, and I was very thin and weak.

By October 2003 my health was failing rapidly. The more treatments I would find, the sicker I got and the more money I spent. It seemed like there was something wrong with almost every part of my body.

The following is a list of the various illnesses and conditions I had:

  1. Cerebral Hypoxia with severe Brain Damage
  2. Weakness in right side of my body from stroke
  3. Depression
  4. Easily angered and irritable
  5. Immunodeficient (Neutrophils 1.7, White Blood Cells 3.9)
  6. Severe Allergies
  7. Adrenal Insufficiency
  8. Hypothyroid
  9. Chronic Gastritis
  10. Desquirveins (a condition where the tendon at the base of the thumb at the wrist was locked) I had to wear a brace for one year prior to PGSG. I was told it was rare that it would ever go away and I needed to have the surgery to cut the tendon.
  11. Hepatitis C
  12. Arthritis in both hips
  13. Both thumbs and a few other fingers would pop out of the sockets when I would bend them.
  14. “Leaky Gut Syndrome”
  15. Chronic Systemic Candida Albacan
  16. Blastocystis Hominus (A destructive Parasite that lives in all the muscles, Brain, and Organs, that feeds off of the body. Very difficult to kill)
  17. Weak Bladder
  18. I had a torn cartilage in my back that hadn’t healed for several years.
  19. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy with chronic and severe pain in my right leg.
  20. Inability to sleep less then 10 hours a night, and difficulty falling asleep

October 2003 I began praying for wisdom, I was desperate. I still continued to practice the same discipline of trying to be kind, love others, and seek Gods will for me, I believed this was what I had to do because this suffering was necessary for my spiritual growth, after asking for wisdom, I was led to a woman who was a PGSG Instructor. I decided to learn to see if it would help me. I understood and agreed very strongly with the password. It had been how I was trying to live my life for the past several years. Because of that, I knew it would heal me.

The first morning I practiced, I felt intensely peaceful and centered. I came into the kitchen and spoke to my husband. The confusion, fogginess & irritability (I felt every morning) were gone.

My husband approached me gently. He had learned if I hadn’t woken up fully, I would get upset with him. No matter how many times I was determined not to do this, I could never stop myself. This time, I smiled and said “Good morning” I felt very calm and peaceful. I knew I had brought something into my body that was real. It was a miracle, and I felt so grateful. I found the missing ingredient. I knew PGSG was not like anything I had ever done. I also knew by the peace I felt that I was now going to get better.

I knew I would keep my peace as long as I stayed in the Password very strongly. Somehow, the physical hand movements began healing something that made it easy to stay strong in the password. My part was to try the best I could and stay strong in the password. I understood later, the PGSG practice had information in it only my body and spirit could figure out. Together they knew what it was and what do with it. From the first practice I felt something immediately started unblocking and healing. A few days later I had a deep sense of getting better that I could feel.

I just kept focused on the peace, and I remained very grateful. To me, that was priceless, and I was satisfied just to have that! I would have been perfectly satisfied with the peace if that was to be the only outcome because I knew I now had the strength to remain in the password. My reaction to my husband was no longer a reaction; it was a choice, it no longer felt like something coming out of my body that I could not stop. The peace was a gift. According to master Ou’s writings peace is the sound indicator of a strong life force. I knew I had to remain in it, and the only way, was by staying strong in the deep love of the password. I remained intensely peaceful from that moment on; I had no one around me that was practicing the PGSG, and I didn’t need another’s approval for me to be convinced it worked. I knew it did. I had a strong confidence in PGSG.

I practiced PGSG once a day. The rest of the day I watched my thoughts, actions, and words very closely. By the third day my hand and wrist were healed. I no longer needed the brace. This was the condition I was told by the doctors they had never seen get better. The peace and the healing of my wrist, showed me how powerful PGSG was and my confidence became even stronger in the practice. The peace never left, it only got deeper and deeper, but the peace was directly related in my willingness to practice the password as strongly and consistently as I could.

From the beginning, everything began rapidly disappearing. My stomach and digestion problems were gone within days. I noticed the arthritis in my hips, and the pain from the RSD in my right leg was also gone. I would say it was a gradual daily disappearing of all the symptoms, and by the end of the first month, every symptom I was aware of was gone.

I noticed my thinking was becoming clearer, and my memory was getting better. I was understanding conversations, and able to stay on a train of thought while speaking. I was not forgetting my thoughts as the words were coming out. My brain was figuring out how to work, and it was working and healing. I was able to read and understand, and today I read a lot, mostly Master Ous literatures, articles and books. Reading his material has been a very important part of my deep comprehension in the practice, which I think for anyone, as stated in master Ou’s Pangu Mystical Qigong, is a very important part of the practice. I continued to practice once a day, and on the 30th day I learned the non-moving form. I then practiced the moving and non-moving once a day. By this time, all of the symptoms from all my illnesses were gone.

I increased my practice to four times a day ten months after I had first learned, because I found that I was craving more and more of the energy, I no longer saw it as something I needed to do to get better, I now saw it as a necessary food for my body to remain strong and healthy. I looked foreword to each practice as an awesome gift, and. I was so aware of the immediate benefits. I learned to practice the PGSG as soon as I felt the peace leaving or had any difficulty staying in the password.

At 12 months I was practicing 7 times a day. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to.I have not had any allergy symptoms ever since I started. I may have sneezed a total of 10 times in 5 years. My severe allergies are gone, and I can eat whatever I want and not fear it will hurt me.

My Neutrophils went from 1.7 which was below normal in spring of 2004(before learning PGSG) to 80 % range of the normal when I was tested Ten Months after learning PGSG. My White Blood Cells also went from 3.9(low) to 8.7 (the high end of normal) at that time.

When My Medical Doctor looked at these results he said: “This is a miracle Susan, there is no way there is any virus alive in your body by looking at this! What have you been doing?” I was happy to tell him about PGSG! I knew I had now a very strong immune system, I never get sick. I use to fly with a mask on my face, and since them have traveled to China and Thailand, ate every type of food, and have not had one ill experience.

I have fallen down a flight of stares TWICE, and lying on the ground each time, I immediately practiced PGSG, and no injury took effect. I have burned myself, or got hurt in another way; practiced PGSG and “Forgot about it” and no injury took effect.

Today I am a PGSG Instructor. I spend most of my time talking to others about PGSG, and in between I practice! I try my best to stay in” Deep Love”, because I learned from Master Ou “This is the secret To Pangu Shengong”. Occasionally I will give lectures on PGSG and no one will know I ever had a brain injury. I tell them about it near the end, to show how powerfully PGSG has healed my brain. I enjoy the look of surprise and Awe on their faces. I love the way I feel when I try to help people by telling them about PGSG and notice there is no feeling better.

5 years ago before I learned PGSG, I tried to take some college courses, it was a very difficult task to try to accomplish, and I was very discouraged to see it was to difficult for me to do, one time it took me 21 hours to do a 2 hour assignment. I knew then, it was impossible for me to do, and I gave up with school. This past summer, I thought, “if I can do all of this, I can try taking a class I can do it”. I took 2 summer classes in college, which were 6 weeks, and very intense, to my surprise, I got high “A’s” in both classes. One was a writing intensive world civilization history class! History was never a subject I never did well in.

With PGSG and staying strong in the Password, I now know nothing is impossible for me to accomplish. This September 2008, I will be bringing Master Ou to Sedona, Arizona, where I will watch all of those sick and suffering people experience hope and joy, have a chance at bettering their life, getting better, and meeting my humble Teacher, Grand Qigong master Ou wen Wei.

I am very grateful to Master Ou and PGSG. I know I would not be here today if I hadn’t been given this precious gift.

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