Monthly archives: August 2021

Entries found: 2
Testimonial for Remote Group Healing session from Master Ou — by Jill

Testimonial for Remote Group Healing session from Master Ou — by Jill

I have had no pain at all since the session and I am continuing to practice the moving and non moving form everyday. During the healing session I saw what I thought was a swarm of little golden bees, buzzing and vibrating around my head and face. I was also aware of two beings, very serene, one male and another female standing on my left in front of me. That peace and serenity remains with me.Read More

Pangu Shengong Helped Me Avoid Gallbladder Surgery — by Serene Washburn

Pangu Shengong Helped Me Avoid Gallbladder Surgery — by Serene Washburn

I did three hours Pangu Shengong practice a day everyday for three months and have continued to practice between one to three hours a day since then. A year and a half later, my doctor again referred me to the surgeon for follow up, but the surgeon refused to see me as surgery wasn’t recommended, the gallbladder was clear, and there was not any pain. Thank you Pangu!Read More

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