Monthly archives: January 2024

Entries found: 1
Peter passed a 2.5cm kidney stone naturally with the help of Pangu Shengong practice

Peter passed a 2.5cm kidney stone naturally with the help of Pangu Shengong practice

A lot of Pangu Shengong students have received extra benefits by doing extra amount of Pangu Shengong forms. Peter, a new Pangu Shengong student shared that he found out earlier in 2023 that he had a 2.5cm stone in his left kidney. He was told that the stone could only be removed by surgery. In August 2023 he learned the Moving Form of Pangu Shengong. Since then, he had been practicing the Moving Form at least two hours a day every day. Three months later in November, he passed a lot of small gravel within one day and scans from hospital showed that the 2.5cm stone was completely gone! Amazing!Read More

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