The Benefits of Pangu Shengong — by Olivia Ou

With any practice or endeavor, we want to make sure it is worth our time and effort. The two most common questions that arise from those considering Pangu Shengong are:
What benefits can I get by practicing Pangu Shengong?
How quickly will I see these benefits?

Excellent questions! These questions are perhaps best answered with a letter I received from a correspondence student of Pangu Shengong from Europe.

Mr. Marchetti took the Moving Form correspondence course in September 2016. On October 25 of 2016, he wrote me a letter applying for the Nonmoving Form correspondence course. In his letter, he wrote:

“My experiences with the Moving Form are as follows:
My quality of sleep has increased dramatically. After many years, I am again enjoying a restful and deep sleep. I often get very vivid dreams, easy to remember.
My chest pain, which has plagued me for 5 years, is finally gone.
I also find I am not as quick to get angry as I once was.”

He received these wonderful results within his first 1.5 months practice of Pangu Shengong. His changes happened very quickly. Could they have come even more quickly?


He called me from Europe while I was on a ferry back to New Haven from Long Island in mid October. During the call, he told me that as soon as he received the correspondence course packet, he felt a surge of energy entering his body, making him feel calmer and more at peace, washing away intense angry feelings incurred from a recent argument with a close friend. He felt very grateful!

These are very common instant benefits people receive from Pangu Shengong practice, Master Ou’s treatments, and his healing songs and chants. The other instant benefits people commonly report include instant pain relief, a stronger sense of well-being, more physical strength, deeper mental focus, feeling more at ease and relaxed, a clearer mind, etc. A prime example is a woman with last stage liver cancer. After she finished her first practice of the moving form of Pangu Shengong, she received enough strength and energy to be able to stand up without any assistance. Since the first day she learned it, she continued to practice diligently every day. Her results were nothing short of miraculous: She completely recovered from liver cancer along with several other serious illnesses. (Click here to read her testimonial.)

It works regardless of your cultural and educational background. Dr. Mak is a western medicine practitioner for over 30 years. By the end of 2011, he became seriously ill with a tumor on his leg, neck pain, persistent, painful gum swelling, serious asthma, tinnitus, insomnia, and extreme fatigue, to name just the most prominent conditions. He tried all possible western medical treatments, and many other less conventional modalities including a special diet, acupuncture, different styles of qigong, Chinese herbal medicine, yoga, meditation, martial arts and tai chi. But none of them slowed the pace of getting sicker and his approaching death. At the beginning of 2012, finally, Dr. Mak chose Pangu Shengong. Through 4 years dedicated practice of Pangu Shengong and the study of its philosophy, he completely recovered from all illnesses, never needing another pill!The miraculous result he got from the 4 years Pangu Shengong practice completely altered his understanding of human structure and what he knew of the universe. He had never heard of a method that can reverse dying cells back to healthy cells. Pangu Shengong made this happen for him. Since then, he has received training to become a Pangu Shengong instructor to help others to end their own suffering, considering the teaching of Pangu Shengong to be his greatest contribution to humanity.

From Dr. Mak’s case, you may have noticed that doing Pangu Shengong practice may bring a new perspective and worldview. We all want a better life. The daily practice of Pangu Shengong helps to cultivate good health, peace of mind, a broad mindset, and a more loving disposition; all of which contribute to a better life for one’s self and the people we encounter.

These benefits are waiting for you, too!

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