Cultivating the Heart

Cultivating The Heart

By Ou, Wen Wei

Let your heart be filled with Divine love
Let your heart be filled with Happiness

Quietly think
Carefully ask
Quietly think
Carefully ask

Ask Heaven
Ask Earth
Ask yourself

I ask: How much suffering and happiness are there in life?
I ask: How much love and hatred are there in life?

Quietly think
Carefully ask
Quietly think
Carefully ask

I ask in my heart: how much kindness and justice do I have?
How much evil thinking and wrongdoing are there?
I ask in my heart: how much open-mindedness and universal love do I have?
How much narrow-mindedness and resentment do I have?
I ask in my heart: how much arrogance and conceit do I have?
How much humility and prudence do I have?
How much laziness; how much diligence?

Quietly think
Carefully ask
Quietly think
Carefully ask

I ask
I ask
I ask

In this world will there be life eternal?
In this world will there be a perfect human being?
In this world will it be possible to have only happiness and no regret?
Heaven, Ah, Heaven can you let me know, can you help me resolve these dilemmas?
Will you bring me contentment?
Will you allow me to walk on the healthy, happy, eternally beautiful
Path of Life?

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

We need to make our hearts calm and broad
Only in this way can we cultivate our hearts and refine our temperament
Bringing us closer to the Essential Truth of the universe

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

Cultivate the heart
Refine our temperament
Refine our temperament
Cultivate the heart

Let your heart be filled with Divine love
Let your heart be filled with Happiness

Let your heart be filled with Divine love
Let your heart be filled with Happiness

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

Tao, the Truth of the Universe can be explained
But not through normal reasoning
Emptied, free from antipathy
Deeply, quietly humble
Steady, unwavering calm

[The End]

If you want to learn how to sing the song to achieve greater result, you may use the phonetic version below.

sau sam

yoeng sam jung cung mun yan oi yoeng sam jung cung mun hang fuk
jing jing soeng sai sai man
jing jing soeng sai sai man
man cong tin man daai dei man ji gei
ngo man yan sang yau gei do fu yu lok
man yan sang yau gei do oi yu han

jing jing soeng sai sai man
jing jing soeng sai sai man
man sam jung
sam jung yau gei do sin loeng jing ji yau gei do ok nim cau haang
man sam jung
sam jung yau gei do fun yung bok oi yau gei do haap aai yun fan
man sam jung
sam jung yau gei do kong mong ji daai yau gei do him heoi gan san
waan yau gei do laan do gei do kan fan

jing jing soeng sai sai man
jing jing soeng sai sai man
ngo man ngo man ngo man
man sai gaan ho wui yau wing sang
man sai gaan ho wui yau yun yan
man sai gaan ho fau ji yau fun lok mut yau wai ham

cong tin aa cong tin
ho fau yoeng ngo ji dou yoeng ngo gaai waak yoeng ngo ji juk
yoeng ngo jau soeng gin hong faai lok wing hang mei hou dik yan sang dou lou

dou ho dou fei soeng dou
ji heoi gik sau jing duk
yiu sai sam ging ping jing yiu baa sam waai kong fut
coi ho sau sam yoeng sing tip gan tin dou

dou ho dou fei soeng dou
ji heoi gik sau jing duk
sau sam yoeng sing yoeng sing sau sam
yoeng sam jung cung mun yan oi yoeng sam jung cung mun hang fuk
yoeng sam jung cung mun yan oi yoeng sam jung cung mun hang fuk

dou ho dou fei soeng dou
ji heoi gik sau jing duk
dou ho dou fei soeng dou
ji heoi gik sau jing duk
dou ho dou fei soeng dou
ji heoi gik sau jing duk

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