Master Ou and Pangu Shengong Healing Methods Saved a Llama Bitten by Rattle Snake

Reported by Olivia Ou in August 2022

We have two llamas, Benjamin and Daniel, at Pangu Ranch. During a recent evening in August when John Paul was walking up the hill to our upper pasture to feed the llamas, he saw that Ben was seriously injured. His head was dramatically swollen, both of his eyes were swollen and bleeding, and his mouth was bleeding and full of white foam. There was blood running down his chin and his triangular shaped muzzle was now several times bigger; it was now extremely swollen and round shaped. His whole head had become so swollen that his eyes and nose appeared to be very small. And most importantly John Paul noticed that Ben had labored breathing.

John Paul immediately started sending qi to Benjamin and shouted down the hill to Jason that Benjamin had been badly attacked and to get Master Ou. Jason found me and Master Ou inside the house and told us that Ben had been attacked. Master Ou and I, and everyone else in the house immediately went up the hill to check on Benjamin. As we were quickly walking, many assumptions went through my mind: Was he attacked by a mountain lion? A group of coyotes? Or perhaps a desperate raccoon? When we saw Ben, it was obvious he had been attacked by some animal and upon closer examination it became apparent that he was having trouble breathing, foaming at the mouth appearing to have been poisoned. We later determined he was exhibiting classic signs and symptoms of a rattle snake bite to the muzzle.

Master Ou immediately sent qi/energy to Benjamin. After sending 10-15 minutes of healing qi to Benjamin, Master Ou considered that Ben was no longer in danger of dying and would recover. John Paul, Jason, and I were concerned that an injured llama could potentially draw the attention of a mountain lion and be attacked, so we decided to bring both llamas down to the stable at the foot of the hill. It is normally an easy task, but not today because Benjamin was very reluctant to move due to his difficulty seeing. It took us at least one hour to finally put Benjamin and Daniel into the stable.

As we took another close look at Benjamin, we were amazed to see that the swelling had significantly subsided! We also realized that Benjamin had remained calm during the entire event from when John Paul found him and started sending energy to him to now.

The next morning, the swelling was about 50% less, his eyes and mouth were no longer bleeding. Master Ou continued to give Benjamin qi healings once a day for five days.

Two days after the attack, only about 20% of the swelling remained. And more important, Benjamin looked more energetic, and his mouth looked much more alive and smaller!

Benjamin continued to improve each day. He was able to drink water throughout the experience, however, the water container had to be elevated about two feet for the first 24 hours due to Ben being unable to lower his head to the ground. He was not able to begin eating until day five due to the swelling of his lips, tongue, and jaw.

On the fifth day, Benjamin’s swelling was basically gone and the bite mark on the right lower chin could be easily seen. He began to be able to chew slowly and eat again!

On the seventh day, Benjamin had completely recovered and was eating normally again.

Upon researching rattle snake bites to the muzzle of a llamas we learned that it could result in death without quick intervention and treatment. One of the most dangerous conditions is that the venom can cause a life-threatening respiratory emergency. A typical western medicine emergency treatment is to insert a long flexible tube into the nostril to keep the airway open. Once a stable, open airway is achieved we read that some additional common interventions could include: IV fluids for shock, antibiotics, anti-venom, and Benadryl. Amazingly, with Master Ou using the Pangu Shengong Healing Method and qi treatments, Benjamin healed and recovered quickly without using any conventional treatments and methods.

Once again, Master Ou and Pangu Shengong created a miraculous healing!

Of course, in addition to Master Ou, everyone else on the ranch applied what we learned from Master Ou in his Pangu Shengong Healing Skills class to send energy to help Benjamin. If you want to learn how to give healings to help others, including animals, please don’t miss the next healing skills class taught by Master Ou on September 10. You may sign up now at . If you have already taken this course, I would highly recommend you retake the class to strengthen your abilities and boost your energy.

If you want to receive a healing from Master Ou, you may sign up for offline group healing sessions at or email us at to schedule a one-on-one remote healing session.

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