PTSD and Trauma Healed — By Jason Davis

Pangu Shengong has helped me to resolve health issues that began very early in my life. I was born a month premature because my mother had developed a condition called Toxemia. In addition, I experienced repeated life and death asthma attacks as a baby due to a severe allergy to milk. I would be rushed to the hospital and the doctors would restrain me and give me shots of adrenaline to allow me to breathe again. The result of this early history of life threatening illness was that my body became programmed to be in emergency reaction mode “fight or flight” all the time. Throughout my childhood and into my adult years I remained in this constantly revved up state of being in “fight or flight”.The extreme emotional stress I experienced repeatedly as a baby, resulted in my being traumatized, I was unable to relax no matter what I tried. My body felt tight, I felt emotionally shutdown, and I was afraid of many things. Of course, I do not consciously remember any of those early experiences as a baby but I’ve learned that my body does.

As a result, I tried many different things to feel better. If someone told me about a treatment modality, I would try it. At first, I tried things like NLP, EFT, focusing, and the Sedona method. I attended many self-help seminars and pursued positive thinking to feel better. I was constantly reading self-help books. I started to pursue more spiritual methods like meditation, satsangs, shamanic journeying, past life work, and I had some mystical experiences, but they did nothing to help with my fear and in some cases made it worse. I also tried many therapies like Somatic experiencing, Somatic Perinatal Process workshops, Sensory Awareness, Focusing, Craniosacral therapy, and Hakomi. These were very helpful because they taught me that I was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and that it was very deep because it occurred at such a young age, it happened intensely, repeatedly, and I had no way to stop it from reoccurring. I also tried body work like Chi Nei Tsang, Viseral Manipulation, Massage, and Rolfing. These methods did help me to get used to difficult sensations and did help me let go of some of the tightness in my body, but they did not provide the relief I was looking for. I also did energy work, including Reiki, Acupuncture, Angel Therapy, Hatha and Yin yoga, and I learned many forms of Qigong. Once again, these were very good methods but did not provide the relief that I was looking for.

One consequence of doing all this work is that I opened up my distressful feelings too quickly and it was more than I could handle. Basically, I did not have the ability or resources to handle what I had forcefully opened. I felt terrified all the time and was shaking constantly. It was hard to function and perform day to day activities. On weekends I would sit in the park and just try to get through the day. I tried to hide what I was going through from the people around me, but most knew something was not right. My mother especially was very worried about me.

Finally, I encountered a Pangu Shengong instructor named Rod Taylor and I told him what was happening to me. He gave me a Pangu Shengong energy healing and I felt much better, like I was being supported lovingly by the energy. In 2008 I learned the moving form and practiced it for a month before heading to Master Ou’s office in San Francisco where I learned the Pangu Shengong Non-moving form and the Pangu Shengong Medical Qigong Healing Skills. Afterwards I had to head straight to my hotel and sleep for several hours. I was exhausted but my nervous system felt like it had been given a rest from constantly being in emergency “fight or flight” mode all the time.

When I arrived home, I made sure to practice the Pangu Shengong forms every day. The Pangu Shengong was allowing me to be functional again. I was able to work and live life again.

Profound changes have continued to occur after I attend courses taught by Master Ou. Every time I attend a course, I can feel Master Ou’s energy working on me. I have learned to trust the energy healing of Pangu Shengong because it is so supportive, loving, gentle, yet powerful. I remember at one weekend workshop my adrenal glands where pulsing strongly in my lower back the whole time and bringing up some strong feelings but by the end of the weekend something major had shifted. My body had finally settled down. The alarm that had constantly been going off in my body had stopped. This was mind blowing to me because I had worked so hard for so many years to have that happen and Master Ou was able to achieve it in a weekend. I continue to attend his courses because I am constantly healing, improving, and learning something new.

I like that Pangu Shengong promotes kindness, advocates assisting others, and that it is so profoundly supportive. I have a sense of well-being and contentment in my life that I never had before. I have found that many bad habits I had in the past have simply fallen away. Pangu Shengong seems to be working at a deep level on improving my heart and soul. For this I am forever grateful to Master Ou. He has shown incredible patience and kindness towards me. This is a simple yet powerful qigong that can make many people’s lives much better.

[Written/edited on May 5, 2021]

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