My Learning from Reading the Path of Life: Volume 1 Ch. 42 Reflections on Responsibility – Anisha Desai Fraser

Everything in our lives is subtly, or even more obviously controlled by Pangu. If this is the case and we believe that with a deep faith, then our actions would be smoother because we would understand the golden key, how it works. Pangu controls our life, and we go along with it doing our best to find the best possible outcome in ever my situation.

In Chapter 42, the author uses the example of Pangu the 26th, that everything he did was controlled by Pangu, even his troubles, so when Emperor Pangu the 26th takes responsibility it’s considered very admirable. Why? I pondered…

I believe it is a reasonable reaction to blame the thing or person that is controlling you, or trying to make things more difficult, especially when you’re in the dark about it. So if you can stop yourself from doing that, it indicates a level of maturity and morality to rise above what would be normal, usual and reasonable.

So when I am controlled by someone or something (Pangu), and I choose not to blame, or have the expectation for Pangu or anyone else to fix the situation, or make it better, then I can transcend my own narrow mindedness and selfishness. We can then see our own life and actions as our total responsibility, in partnership with what Pangu has in store for us. And through this partnership, we can eventually see the whole world as our responsibility. The resulting smoothness we create in our life, and our actions can bring the future human world here sooner.

What Pangu has in store for us will most certainly test us. Will we blame Pangu, will we blame others? The tests are a way for us to grow closer in this partnership with Pangu. Will we resist or will we be keenly aware of the test, and transcend our narrow habitual ways of thinking?

What does it mean to be responsible? What is the full scope and meaning of this? I have yet to explore it more in my life.

When I am relaxed calm and joyful I have more access to my wisdom and it becomes easier to know how to handle every situation in the smoothest way, for the most harmonious outcome. From the smallest things in life to more dramatic events, there is no situation too insignificant to offer my sincere attention.


Anisha Desai Fraser M.Ac., L.Ac.

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