The Benefits of Retaking Master Ou’s Classes

By Jason Davis

For the last 12 years I have traveled around attending Master Ou’s classes in various locations across the United States. I have always been sensitive to energy so I could feel that all his courses are deeply healing and beneficial. When I first started to do the classes I was dealing with chronic fatigue, depression, trauma, and serious digestive health issues. That is why I was so motivated to attend the Pangu Shengong classes whenever I could. After a while I realized that there was no limit to the energy that Master Ou can send out to his students but there is a limit to how much we can receive. There are physical blockages, limiting habitual thinking patterns and emotions that resist how much of the energy we can accept. By practicing diligently every day on my own I found that repeating Pangu Shengong courses becomes even more profound, meaningful and healing.

For me attending Master Ou’s lectures has been a shortcut or a way to speed up the process. It doesn’t matter if I had taken the moving form lecture 20 times before because each time was deeply transformative. Each time that I would attend the lectures they would get deeper.

From the earliest memories of my childhood I remember there had always been a panicked alarm going off in my body. No matter what I tried I could never shut that alarm off or truly feel comfortable. A miracle happened one weekend while attending Master Ou’s lectures. Throughout that weekend I could feel that my adrenal glands were pulsing, and I was filled with fear but at the same time I felt deeply supported by the energy being sent out. At the end of that weekend a profound shift occurred and the fear I had been dealing with for over 30 years disappeared. I couldn’t believe it and was sincerely grateful for this result.

That is why I am so excited about attending these online classes. The content and energy from these classes are life changing and the fact that they are being offered online is so incredible. There is no need to get on an airplane and rent a hotel for the weekend like I used to. Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy traveling and it was great to go to so many places but doing these classes online is so much more convenient. I am really looking forward to taking these classes over the next few months.

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