True Harmony – by Patty Pace, Raleigh, NC

I have been busy thinking about Harmony after our dear Master Ou came for
a visit to Raleigh this summer. Did you ever stop to consider what true harmony
might feel like? Consider for a moment your very favorite music in the world. How
does it make you feel? That’s harmony! Melodies flow in and out, and intertwine to
make a perfect piece of music that has a harmonious effect on you and on the world.
The notes must all work together each doing their part, but not as strong
individually as they are all together to create this beautiful song or symphony in the

Now let’s think about what would happen if all of us (all of humanity) would
work together in the world like this – each of us doing our own part, carrying our
own responsibilities, but working together to create a beautiful human world
without war or poverty or illness.

Do you remember the old Coke a Cola song from the 1970’s “I’d Like to Teach
the World to Sing in Perfect Harmony?” Well, I am under the impression from what
Master Ou teaches us that we can begin to do this, with one small act of kindness,
followed by another. You see, with one small act of kindness, one generous thought,
a smile to the next person you pass on the street, or offering a hand to help
someone, we will begin our journey towards a better future, a more humane world.
When we choose to do good, and be kind and generous in the world, it creates more
kindness! It works the same as throwing a small pebble into a pond. The pebble
creates a ripple effect in concentric circles that radiate out in larger and larger
circles, until it reaches the shore.

Will you join me in being part of this ripple effect in the world? Learning
Pangu Shengong has helped me become a kinder, gentler, more compassionate
person. The practice has also improved my health and my interactions in all
relationships profoundly. I highly recommend reaching out to learn Pangu Qi Gong,
Pangu Yoga, or Pangu Tai Chi for a better life. You can find information about these
forms, and instructors on the Pangu website.



[Click here to know more about Patty Pace.]

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