Letter to Master Ou – Anne Brown (October 24, 2002)

Anne Brown’s Pangu Shengong (Pan Gu Mystical Qigong) letter discussing Multiple Sclerosis, microcalcifications and other conditions.

Dear Master Ou:

Your healing attentions to me are so appreciated. I am very, very grateful for your knowledge that is giving me such improved health. I know I will soon be completely healthy.

As of mid-December, I’ll have been practicing Pan Gu Shengong for a year and a half. It’s wonderful!

With my daily practice of six to eight “rounds” of Shengong (best “back to back” after meals), my health has improved in the following ways:

  1. My eyesight is improved.
  2. Digestion is much improved.
  3. Elimination is much improved.
  4. I have more physical strength.
  5. I stand up so much straighter, and people notice!
  6. I breathe completely into the uppermost part of my lungs.
  7. I have more energy: I love to walk, weed, clear brush, run “slash” through a big chipper, and cut wood with a small chain saw. I’ve done wood-cutting and chipping up to three hours in a day.
  8. I sleep very well.
  9. I am more cheerful.
  10. I am happier.
  11. Doing Shengong right after a meal greatly aids digestion, and I no longer feel like a nap after eating.
  12. I only take naps now when I haven’t slept enough the night before. I have resumed my daily meditation practice, and this can replace a late-afternoon nap.
  13. I have meditated for some years. While doing the Shengong practice, one can go into a meditative state. I often see the “blue light” of consciousness.
  14. With the Shengong practices, I no longer drag my feet, or feel little bouts of dizziness. With the practices, my Multiple Sclerosis symptoms of numbness and an intermittent writing tremor will be nearly completely gone when 1) I don’t eat sugar, 2) I stay rested, and 3) I avoid physical, mental, and emotional stress.
  15. After three breast biopsies, from 1985 to 2000, to check out increasing microcalcifications that can be precursors to cancer, as of this year’s recent mammogram, I no longer have any microcalcifications at all!

I should add that some of my increased muscle mass may be due to using a testosterone cream on my wrists. This is prescribed by my doctor as part of my hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

My Ayurveda diet is a very important element to my health. It makes a big difference in keeping my energy up. Ayurveda is the 5,000-year-old school of medicine from India . Among other foods, sugar is to be avoided, even in most fruits. The suggested foods are easy to digest. I am to eat when I’m hungry, after my last meal is digested, which is usually every three hours. Eating this frequently is to keep the digestive fires burning, and not to have to expend extra energy (leading to fatigue) to get them going again if I eat later. I also take Ayurveda herbs for M.S. I can’t tell if they make a difference.

The Pangu Shengong practices have proved to be very powerful. My devotion to doing them is based on faith in you and on the wonderful results I’ve experienced.

All Love and Blessings to you, Master Ou!

Anne Brown

Additional Information:

Anne Brown: Instructor Profile

Anne Brown: Updated Testimonial Dec-27-2015

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