Pangu Shengong Qigong Normalized my Hepatitis C (Oct 2011) – by Pam Wethington

Pam Wethington’s Pangu Shengong (Pan Gu Mystical Qigong) testimonial discussing Hepatitis C and other conditions.

I am a Miracle in Progress. I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C and given the TREATMENT that was supposed to CURE me. The treatment was Interferon/Ribavirin. I was told I would have two flu like days but could continue to work. That was an out and out lie. The TREATMENT is chemotherapy and the side effects are many and horrid, and there is no CURE for Hep C. Well so they thought. I wont put you through all the side effects they are too many and I simply don’t want to go there (it’s over). Now for the good stuff. I was going to wait one year from the day I became a Pangu Shengong (PGSG) Student to have blood work done to test EVERYTHING, but I couldn’t wait, it was almost a year so I went to my family doctor and asked for a full panel of tests which he agreed to because I hadn’t had one in a year, before that I had to have a check up done every six months because my Liver enzymes were going higher and higher with every test and the Hep C was no longer manageable. In July 2010 I was given very bad news basically the type of news you don’t come back from.

Luckily, on August 22, 2010 I became a PGSG Student (go figure) I never even heard of PGSG before. My doctor called me in to read my blood work, needless to say he couldn’t believe it. He kept looking at me and looking at the report, looking at me and looking at the report, finally I said “WHAT?” Everything was in the normal range except my Liver Enzymes they were a little high which I wasn’t worried at all about. He was just my family doctor and he didn’t have anything to compare the results to and I had already made an appointment with my Gastroenterologist (G.I.). When he saw the blood work he was beside himself, he COULD NOT wrap his head around the numbers. He said “this just can’t be” my numbers had dropped so dramatically he just could not believe it. So he said I had to get another sonogram which I did, WELL he called two days later and told me I HAD A NORMAL LIVER. I have the results in my hot little hands for all to see. Yes I am a Walking, Talking, Breathing Miracle in Progress and most certainly will continue to be. All because of this simple and efficient Qigong exercise, I mean really how cool is that?”

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