Thomas Seis’s Thoughts and Experiences of Pangu Shengong

Qi is the fundamental energy which sustains the configuration and integrity of all forms and
substances in the Universe. It is the life force which regulates the vitality of all things. People
and nature are interactively related and are actually governed by the same eternal laws of
nature. Since all matter is composed of energy in its various states of vibrational patterns,
any state of imbalance within the energy matrix of the human body will lead to the arising of
disharmony in both the body and the mind. Thus the harmonization of energies is the most
important thing. The physical and mental well-being of the body relies upon proper blood and
Qi circulation, good blood and qi quality, and the harmonious functioning of the internal
organs. Qi rises the forming of life, and when the Qi circulation is disrupted, blood circulation
will also be affected and poor health will follow. Disorder within the body and/ or mind will be
the result and will manifest into all manners of psycho-physical illnesses. Certain psychic and
physical responses result from certain functions within the cerebral hemispheres. If the left
hemisphere is underactivated or has been damaged due to injury, people will be depressed,
have no drive and generally feel miserable. Even minor excitements will lead to anxieties and
panic, the health will decline. If the right hemisphere is underactivated or has been damaged,
the changes will just be the opposite. People feel well, are relaxed, have an optimistic
outlook, are full of drive, even can be euphoric. The overall health will improve. So it is
necessary to balance both hemispheres by normally strengthening the underactivity of the
left hemisphere and by reducing the overactivity of the right hemisphere.

Thus the balancing of the human energy system through the attuning of yin and yang and
their associated life force is the first step in harmonizing the dysfunctional state of human
energy and human illness. When your Qi is balanced and in harmony with the external
environment, the mind and senses will enjoy clarity and your body will remain immune
against the debilitating influences of harmful energies. Whoever acts in opposition to the
universal principles of the nature, he will open himself to the harmful effect of harmful

PGSG is the most developed way of Qi Gong which I have ever learned and practiced. You
may immediately feel the positive and harmonizing effects on body and mind. All my PGSG
students are able to feel the personal direct contact with their own Chi and how it flows
through their bodies. The Moving Form is producing more effects on body while the
Nonmoving Form is producing more effects on brain and mind. I and many other PGSG
Practitioners feel a very good effect in synchronizing/ balancing of both brain/ cerebral
hemispheres as soon as we start the Nonmoving Form. After practising PGSG Nonmoving
Form for a long time now I am able to visualize and feel the unity with the Sun, Moon, and
the universe. Every time I need more Chi fast, I am practising an additional PGSG Advanced
Form which fills up my energy levels very fast.

Practising PGSG is strengthening my own Chi and as a Spiritual Healer it helps me to protect
me additionally from harmful energies/ influences of my patients and it is very helpful in filling
my own Chi faster again after every healing session with a patient.
Please feel free to translate and use it for PGSG purposes. Be and stay healthy and happy!

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