How is God Of Saucer’s character different and/or the same from your previous conception of The Divine and what responses does that give rise to?

What would be your answer to this question?

Please read Anisha’s answer below.

God of Saucer was about as far from the God of my understanding as it gets. Growing up in Australia I was exposed to Christianity but brought up with Hindu customs and rituals. This combination along with the spiritual liberality from my parents gave me a broad view of God. My father once described God as being everywhere, an omnipresence. The God I came to know as a child was a perfect, benevolent flawless Being though the relationship never felt personal, meaningful or one that could really be seen or felt.

The first time I read the POL of life I was in the throws of studying Sufism and heart based healing, which left little to no room for a less than perfect God, and also focused on repentance, asking forgiveness for mistakes. I always felt that God was in relatable in this way, though I wanted closeness and unity more than anything. With the various depictions of human forms of God I was exposed to, nothing ever resonated as truth. Nothing ever screamed real companionship and trust and I felt a separation between my own humanity and God’s excellence, feeling quite discouraged at what seemed unattainable.

After reading the POL I was stunned at first by God of Saucer’s nature. Pangu took some getting used to. Not having much of a background in Chinese Culture both God of Saucer and Pangu felt foreign. God of Saucer’s character seemed to bypass the idea of perfection, especially considering that HE was the perpetrator in the opening chapters. I felt a little afraid but also relieved that maybe there was finally another answer for my deepest question: why was there evil and why were humans continuously suffering?
Up to know I hadn’t received a satisfactory answer.
And more importantly I felt hopeful that maybe there was now a bridge between the God of my childhood and the love I was desperate to feel.

Master Ou says that Humility comes first before we are able to be calm and tolerant. I used the doorway of humility, a perspective that I am far from knowing the truth of the Universe, that I am just a small piece of Great Nature’s plan, to accept the true nature of God. I used this same doorway to feel tolerance towards Him and eventually a calm acceptance of who He really is, a true human being.
The relationship I now have feels sacred, intensely thrilling, a feeling that makes my heart explode with gratitude and awe.
Thank you thank you Pangu for showing me this bridge and the journey in finding it. Because this bridge is a very real, palpable love and energy that transforms everything and everyone and brings me closer and closer to the Truth of everything and everyone.

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