Cultivating the Heart — a beautiful and powerful healing album

The words, melodies and compositions on this CD represent Master Ou’s deep and heart felt sentiments in his wish to convey Divine Love to all those who wish to receive it. With regular listening you may find yourself transported to a state that cultivates peace, love, harmony and healing within yourself, and the ability to share these experiences with others through daily interactions. Listen now and you may soon turn this “mystery into reality!”

Index of Songs


In June 2017, in a group healing class in NC, a few songs from Master Ou’s unpublished album “Cultivating the Heart” were played. Several people wanted to buy the album right after the class. They said, “It’s the most powerful and beautiful album. ” They were disappointed when they were told that the CD was not yet available.

in September 2017, it was published in China. We brought some copies to Boston and New York when Master Ou gave workshops in those areas in October. It was sold out quickly. People loved it, not just because of the soothing melody but also the powerful healing effects.

What healing effects people might experience? Calmer mindset and better sleeping quality are the most common instant effects. You do not need to understand the Chinese lyrics to get the benefits. You may just simply listen to it. For details, please read this link With this new album, you may use it to achieve another purpose, which is spiritual enlightenment and soul perfection. For this purpose, knowing the meaning of the lyrics will double the result. We specially provide the English translation for all songs in this album for your full benefit. Please click the song titles above to read the translation for each song.

CH_m M_Ou_painting Cultivating the Heart
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