George Iber Ph.D.


Pangu Shengong (Pan Gu Mystical Qigong) instructor who is certified to teach both the Moving Form and the Nonmoving Form

Born in 1951 into a “Navy family,” George (Jay) began traveling the world a few months later, and hasn’t really stopped since. His first concrete memory is being on an ocean liner sailing from France to the USA. He asked his father for a few coins which he threw into the Atlantic as an offering. At the age of twelve he remembers attending a lecture in San Francisco given by a monk on the life of Buddha. He became a meditation teacher in 1974. He studied at The Universities of Wisconsin and Iowa, eventually earning a Ph.D in education. Now, semi-retired, grand-father of two, he practices Pangu Shengong, studies Buddhism, and continues to teach and learn.

Dr. George Iber’s Comment about Pangu Shengong:

“Pan Gu Shengong assumes that the universe is manifest spirit, which is why this qigong is considered to be a “mystical.” The transcendent, beyond the senses, has always been considered mystical, but that does not mean it is out of our range of experience. Though practitioners may have doubts about this assumption, as they continue to receive benefits, the fundamental principle becomes clear; the vital energy of the universe can clearly manifest in our everyday lives. This systematic qigong, practiced regularly, promises an array of personal benefits, the knowledge of which we are only beginning to understand. The practice of Pan Gu Shengong allows life to manifest within an ethical framework of love and tolerance. The transcendent mystical becomes a part of life, and good health and everyday rapture is the result.”

The Reason that Dr. George Iber wanted to be a Pangu Shengong instructor:

“The source of my desire to become a Pan Gu Shengong instructor manifests from the heart. To sincerely offer a way to those who wish to improve their health of mind, body, and spirit is a fortunate destiny. I believe that anyone who begins this qigong and practices it regularly will achieve measurable and immeasurable benefits. The personal experience of thousands demonstrates that this qigong is profound. This is energy medicine. To bring healing as a Pan Gu Shengong instructor would be a great honor. There is nothing more noble or more necessary for this world than to help relieve suffering and bring spiritual dignity to so many lives.”

Here are a list of the articles Dr. George Iber has written about Pangu Shengong:

Contact information:

Address: U.S.A. & Mexico
Phone: 941-445-8539 and 999-269-1869

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